Meat factory
Following our guide book advice, we went to Fray Bento to visit the ANGLO meat factory ("one of the most unusual and macabre turist atraction in South America" - Rough Guide to South America). A very important company in the past that went to banckrupcy a few years ago.
Ever since we arrived to Uruguay, the rain did not stop. This day was not an exception so that we had to walk all the way to the factory (almost an hour) in the rain. The factory is not a recommendable atraction in our personal opinion, there is almost nothing to see there, except for a damaged bay. But then again we were really wet and upset because of the bad weather.
The road was floded and full of holes and in our comming back to the bus station we almost got stuck. After some attemps of our taxi driver we succeded in the manouvre and reached our goal.
In the morning, we saw the biggest spider in our short lives. A huge monster that did not allow Borja to take his morning shower with hot water. We have photos, hope to post them soon so that you know what we are talking about!! After talking to our hosts, they explained us that that kind of spiders do not have a strong poison and they only give you one day of strong fever in bed. Nevertheless there are snakes that could kill you. Good for us we did not know that before!!
We left afterwards to Colonia. Saying goodbye to the family was an impressive moment. We gave them euros, romanian and english coins for their collection. And because the woman had greek grandparents that she had never seen before, I thought my greek cross from Carmen ( you will understand my decision, won`t you?) would really mean something for her.
Now we are in Colonia after 3 hours of dangerous bus trip. It´s still raining and it looks like it will never end. All the country is under water, they haven´t had this kind of weather in years. Lucky us!!