miércoles, 18 de abril de 2007

Mari, mari Mapuche (Part 1)

I will start with the terrible headache that Borja had after our night out. We got a bit too drunk and that was the result. Anyway it was a funny night, Ivan the argentinian boy that was also our roommate told us lots of stories about his life and Argentina in general.
The day of the headche was a pretty relaxed day with nothing to do from my side and lots of suffering from Borja´s.

It all calmed down in the end and on Monday we decided to go to Bariloche due to the bad wheather. It was rainy and cold. In conclusion, in Bolson all we did was visit the fair, get drunk and cook a delicious diner. Even though in the beginning we were planning lots of trekks and wanted to sleep in the mountains in a small cabaña.

In Bariloche we were contacted in the bus station by lots of promoters trying to get us staying in their hostal. We choose one that was also paying for the taxi and gave us a free drink.

Then we took our tim e in visiting the city. It´s a city by the lake with incredible views. Very turist oriented, with lots of information points.

Sorry, we have to catch the bus right now, promise to write more tonight!!

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